by Noble Newman | Jun 28, 2016 | education, education policy, education reform, Noble Newman
Theory versus Practice. You may have seen someone who was “Born to teach” like this year’s National Teacher of the Year, Jahana Hayes or the one seen in this picture, who just seems like the kind of teacher who can entertain and inspire you. But most teachers rely...
by Noble Newman | Jun 20, 2016 | education, education policy, education reform, Noble Newman
With graduation ending and summer approaching, many fresh-faced individuals are preparing to embark on their journey into the classroom. While the experience is going to be vastly different for every new teacher, there are a variety of tips that you can utilize before...
by Noble Newman | Jun 15, 2016 | education, education policy, education reform, Noble Newman
With summer break just a few days away, many teachers are eagerly awaiting the time where they can rest up and recharge their batteries before spending a majority of their break cultivating their professional trade through graduate schoolwork, lesson plan and...
by Noble Newman | Jun 10, 2016 | education, education policy, education reform, Noble Newman
One of the biggest preconceived notions about teaching is that teachers have the summers off. While the academic calendar does provide a two and a half month hiatus from the classroom, teachers and educational leaders alike are more than likely to spend a majority of...
by Noble Newman | May 17, 2016 | education, education policy, education reform, Noble Newman
With schools are wrapping up the last few weeks of the academic calendar, I felt that it was incredibly fitting to give our students one last piece of advice: Make sure you express your thanks and undying gratitude for all of the hard work your teachers have put into...