When it comes to education, Noble Newman looks to provide his students with the power to read well, write analytically, and speak knowledgeably about the world around them. For him, he embodies the words of Nelson Mandela and truly believes that, “education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” He believes that reading can provide young minds with alternative worlds to explore, valuable life lessons, or an escape from the stresses of young life. If you can add a dash of humor and fantasy, then children will be even more inclined to challenge their mind by reading. Below, you will find various videos relating to the ins-and-outs of the education sector. Listen, watch, and learn as some of the world’s best leading thinkers and doers talk about education, education reform, and education policy.
On May 25, 2016 at Harvard Graduate School of Education Convocation Speech, Donovan Livingston delivers one of the most unforgettable speeches that highlights both his passion for education and the education inequalities that exist in today’s society.
Every child needs a champion. In this incredible TedTalk, Rita Pierson, a veteran and legacy within the classroom discusses the importance of education and teachers alike. Her passion and commitment to her students personifies the what it means to be a teacher.
This has become one of the most the biggest discussions within the education sector. With Common Core becoming a driving force within the field of education, Sir Ken Robinson discusses how schools and their highly driven testing culture are destroying the creativity and joy of within learning.
Hear inspiring leaders on the topic of learning in this TED project hosted by John Legend.
Many people have a very biased outlook on the field of education. But for those of us in the system, we understand the various obstacles we have to endure each and everyday. But in order for us to move forward, we as a society, need to understand and internalize these problems if we want to close the gap within education. Joshua Katz, a social studies teacher, discusses very passionately the problems teachers face both in and out of the classroom. He highlights the persistent ‘toxic culture’ within education and discusses possible solutions to these problems.
Eric Thomas is probably one of my favorite motivational public speakers. The man looks to not just to highlight the importance of education, but also to inspire drive and passion within learning.