by Noble Newman | Oct 25, 2023 | books, education, Noble Newman, Writing
Reading is a transformative experience that can open new doors of understanding, empathy, and self-awareness. Countless books can change our perspective on life, offering fresh insights, challenging our preconceptions, and inspiring personal growth. Here are ten...
by Noble Newman | Oct 19, 2016 | education, education policy
Think back to your years as a student, stuck in a classroom for eight or nine hours a day listening to your teachers drone on and on about their class curriculum. They talked, you took notes, maybe nodded, and answered a question or two. You were so focused in on...
by Noble Newman | Jul 27, 2016 | education, education policy, education reform, Noble Newman
TESTS OFTEN JUST WASTE TIME (By the Numbers) By, Noble Newman How much time do we waste testing our students often for no other purpose than to log a grade? Simply, here are the numbers and how I see it. First, Let’s look at… THE SCHEDULE Let’s assume this is a...
by Noble Newman | Jun 15, 2016 | education, education policy, education reform, Noble Newman
With summer break just a few days away, many teachers are eagerly awaiting the time where they can rest up and recharge their batteries before spending a majority of their break cultivating their professional trade through graduate schoolwork, lesson plan and...