by Noble Newman | Apr 24, 2016 | education, education policy, education reform, Noble Newman
With April and the state-mandated examinations coming to an end, teachers and educators everywhere are rejoicing to the completion of the fourth and final academic quarter. For those of us outside of the education sector, you may be overlooking one vital fact that is...
by Noble Newman | Apr 2, 2016 | education, education policy, education reform, Noble Newman
For many students, Spring Break is a time tranquility and relaxation. While this tend to be true, this week break is also considered the eye of the storm for those within the education sector. In just a couple of short weeks, schools across the nation will be taking...
by Noble Newman | Dec 29, 2015 | education, education policy, education reform, Noble Newman
With the new implementation of the Common Core State Standards, educators and educational experts alike are now rethinking the way in which teachers can improve and support their students within the classroom. For years, teachers have gone about replicating the craft...