• Walk in with a positive outlook: it will make meetings easier
  • Have things in mind that are working at home to share with your child’s teacher

The Hard Part:  

  1. You may think frustration is part of the teachers day, and it is! This does not mean that your child’s teacher needs more. You have to come in looking to work together, not fight each other.
  2. You are feeling frustration too.  Keep calm and you will be a better advocate for your child. Also, by staying calm, the teacher will stay calmer as well.
  3. Keeping a smile and thanking the teacher for all his/her help when your child had a bad day. The teacher is on your side if you are on theirs.

Teacher: As frustrating as everyone’s day becomes because of our child’s special needs, please have that warm demeanor towards us. We might need it as well.